Whole School SEND
The Whole School SEND website, hosted by Nasen (National Association for Special Educational Needs), provides you with free, easy access to high quality information, resources and CPD to support a whole school approach to inclusion.
The role of WSS is to support schools in meeting the needs of learners with SEND. The expertise lies within the system and by sharing best practice, working with others and building on existing strengths, we want to unlock the knowledge for the benefit of all children and their families. We want to ensure that children and young people, along with their parents/carers, are at the centre of any provision.
In the South East and South London, we want to work in partnership with all stakeholders to ensure that SEND is 'built in' as part of the wider school improvement agenda and not a 'bolt on'. We would like to invite all leaders and practitioners to get in contact and work with us to develop a collaborative, meaningful and strong community of practice that directly impacts the outcomes for children and young people with SEND across our region.
There is a wide range of online CPD available via the WSS website, including;
For a full description of the services and resources available visit the Whole School Send website HERE. You can also find out more about their universal SEND offer and online CPD below:
Universal SEND ServicesOnline SEND CPD
See below for Nasen's (National Association for Special Educational Needs) March offer:
For more information about upcoming Nasen CPD, please visit their website HERE.
Whole School SEND Contacts
Amelie Thompson, Regional Lead rsl.seslon@wholeschoolsend.com
Clare Belli, Deputy Regional Lead drsl3.seslon@wholeschoolsend.com
Tina Harvey, Deputy Regional Lead drsl.seslon@wholeschoolsend.com
Whole School SEND Podcasts and Webinars
Using the Teacher Handbook: SEND and online CPD units to support all learners with SEND
Webinar: Positively responding to increasing complexity in our mainstream schools part 2: How to secure a process-driven approach when considering additional provisions in mainstream schools
Link to all webinars here.