BackUCL’s NPQ in Early Years Leadership, is an 18 month programme that puts you and your setting at its heart through a professional learning group approach that helps you to share your thinking and understanding within a well-planned framework. You will experience a blended approach of face to face sessions with Thames South TSH local expert facilitators, self-directed study materials and in school support to enable you to progress professionally and develop networks to enhance your career.
What will you learn?
- Culture – you will establish and sustain an effective nursery culture by setting the strategic direction within a climate of mutual trust and respect, underpinned by evidence-based practice.
- Child development, curriculum and assessment – you will learn how to establish and support high quality early education in your nursery, underpinned by formative assessment and tailored to children’s needs.
- Additional and special educational needs and disabilities – you will learn how to ensure all children experience success, enabling colleagues to identify and meet individual needs.
- Professional development – you will ensure that colleagues engage in effective and supportive professional development, making use of existing frameworks (including mentoring and coaching) to build upon existing knowledge and skills to improve outcomes for children.
- Organisational management – you will learn how to ensure the protection and safety of children and colleagues through the establishment of effective systems and processes, managing human and financial resources and fulfilling all statutory duties to enable a sustainable and thriving nursery community.
- Implementation – you will learn how to plan, deliver and sustain change successfully within your context by understanding the stages of implementation and aligning it with wider nursery improvement priorities.
- Working in partnership – you will effectively work in partnership with all stakeholders, including parents carers, external agencies and services.
To find out more please visit UCL’s NPQEYL page:
There is scholarship funding available to teachers and leaders from 50% of state funded schools and EY Settings in England, that have the highest proportion of students attracting pupil premium, as set out in the eligibility lists which will be made availble on the DfE website here in early 2025.
The programme fee is £1,055 (+VAT) for schools and participants in England required to pay for the programme. The same fee applies to independent schools in England.
How to apply
The DfE registration platform is now open here! Apply choosing UCL as your lead provider who will then be in touch with their application forms. This NPQ will be run centrally by UCL in Spring 2025.