NPQ for Senior Leadership
with the Teacher Development Trust

A completely updated NPQSL for those who are, or are aspiring to be, a senior leader with cross-school or cross-trust responsibilities.

  • Gain a nationally recognised, prestigious, government-backed senior-leadership qualification to help you progress in your career
  • Strengthen your expertise as a senior leader, helping you to create a culture where pupils and staff can thrive, and learn how to bring others with you on the journey
  • Learn flexibly around your job with a blend of online learning, virtual sessions and local face to face workshops

This NPQ is based on the DfE’s NPQSL framework. Please follow this link to TDT’s NPQ brochure or visit their website for more information about TDT’s NPQ programmes.

Cost for schools not eligible for funding:£1,149


Register today with the DfE, choosing TDT as the lead provider:
Register for a national professional qualification (
