Scholarship funding for Autumn 2024 NPQs

The DfE announced on 21st March 2024, the following information about Autumn 2024 funding for NPQs. Scholarships will continue to be available to all teachers and leaders from publicly funded schools and 16 to 19 educational organisations for the following NPQs:

  • Leading primary maths
  • Headship
  • Early headship coaching offer
  • Applicants who are ITT (Initial Teacher Training) 'Lead Mentors' for providers accredited to deliver ITT from 2024 are also eligible for scholarships on the NPQ Leading Teacher Development

Scholarship funding to cover all other leadership and specialist NPQs, will be available to teachers and leaders from:

  • the 50% of schools with the highest proportion of students who attract pupil premium funding
  • 16 to 19 educational settings identified as having high disadvantage
  • for the NPQEYL, highly disadvantaged early years settings will be eligible.

You can find out how to check the eligibility of your workplace for Autumn 2024 when registration opens later this year. Please remember, you can only receive scholarship funding for each NPQ once. If you receive scholarship funding but then withdraw from or fail your programme, you cannot receive scholarship funding for the same NPQ again. If you received scholarship funding for a legacy NPQ (before November 2021) and withdrew from the programme, you’re still eligible for scholarship funding for the current NPQs.

To find out more about NPQ funding please visit the DfE website

Applying for NPQs

The DfE registration portal is now open. Apply for an Autumn 2024 NPQ today at Register for a national professional qualification ( Click on the button below.

Please note our NPQH, NPQSL, NPQEYL, NPQLT, NPQLTD, NPQLL, and NPQLBC are provided by Teacher Development Trust. Our NPQSENCO, NPQLPM, NPQEL, and EHCO are provided by UCL.

CLICK HERE to Register for a national professional qualification (

National Professional Qualifications

We are delighted to be delivering the ​full suite of National Professional Qualifications to support leadership development at all levels. These NPQs are available for teachers and leaders who want to develop their knowledge and skills in school leadership, Early Years leadership and specialist areas of teaching practice.

There are now five NPQs for teachers and leaders who want to develop specialist expertise in leading teaching, teacher development, behaviour and culture, leading literacy or leading primary phase maths.  There are now five leadership NPQs which include senior leadership, Early Years leadership, headship, executive leadership and the new SENDCo qualification which is launching in Autumn 2024.

In addition to the National Professional Qualifications, we are also delivering the Early Headship Coaching Offer.  This is a targeted coaching package for leaders in their first five years of headship.

Click on the NPQs below to find out more and how to apply.

18-month Leadership NPQs starting in Autumn 2024

12-month Specialist NPQs starting in Autumn 2024
